Nimbus App
Phone Communication App for iOS and Android

Telocall’s Soft Phone Communications iOS and Android App
Professional Communication On The Go
The Nimbus VoIP phone app can be fully integrated with your Telocall portal, allowing you to easily manage your voicemails, lookup your company contacts, and maintain or update your settings easily on the go.
Nimbus Phone App Features
The Quickdial option allows for up to 50 speed dials to be saved within your app. When you first open this page, you will see a plus sign in a little circle. Click on that icon to save as your favorite for a speed dial.
Making Calls
Whether you’ve dialed a number with the keypad, used a Quickdial entry, or tapped the dial key on your directory, the In Call screens has great options you will want to utilize:
Know Your Signal Strength / Home Button / Mute / Speakerphone / Hold / Blind Transfer / Join (3 way call) / Attended Transfer
Checking your voicemail is super easy with the NimbusPhone App. As indicated on the Keypad page, you can press your voicemail button to call into your voicemail. Using the Home > Voicemail section, you can stream and manage your voicemails without calling into your mailbox!
Company Directory
The Company directory lists all the users and virtual extensions in your company. These are listed in alphabetical order by first name. Tap the phone icon to quickly call someone within your organization. If you would like to see the presence of a user, click on the “eye” icon. You will be able to add the user directly to a presence group, as well as see if they are on the phone by tapping this icon.
Find Me Follow Me (FMFM)
The Find Me Follow Me (FMFM) feature, is one of the most useful features of the NimbusPhone App. This feature allows you to control when each of your phones will ring. You may have a phone at your desk, a phone at home, and this app. Using the FMFM feature, you can control exactly when each device
will ring, duration of ring, ring order, and what to do if you do not answer. You can even set Time of Day (Time Routing) settings to gain even more control!
Presence Group
With Presence Groups, you are able to view the live status of any user in your organization! This feature enables you to take not only your business telephone number with you, but it allows you to have the same kind of visibility that would be available from the office!
User Status
The phone icon next to a user will user a color indicator to let you know if that user is available or busy.
Green: This user is available to receive a call.
Yellow: This user’s phone is currently ringing, or they are in the process of sending a call.
Red: This user is actively on a call.
SMS Text Messaging
NimbusPhone allows you to send SMS messages to other numbers within your organization, as well as out to the real world! It’s a wonderful feature that allows you to keep your work and personal life separated. With the feature turned on, you will see a new icon at the top bar for the Messages.